Product alert: Space Bags.

At about 1500 square feet my home is on the smaller side. Living in less space, as a family of four, I am constantly seeking ways to find more room. Along with some more expensive things we’ve done to find space (renovations, dormers) there are small things that go a long way. One of my most favorite organizing products are space saving bags. These are my go to , but there are several other good ones out there.

Between living in New England and being a family that skis almost every weekend in the winter, we accumulate a ton of winter gear. With limited storage space in our home, I have to be creative with how I store everything. Hence the space bags.

The Process:

Step 1: Wash

Wash all your winter gear.

Step 2: Donate & Discard

Are your kids growing like weeds? Instead of storing things they won’t fit in next year, donate them to Goodwill. Have a stack of single mittens? Answer: textile recycling. This makes for less stuff to store.

Step 3: Choose.

Store your stuff in a way that makes most sense so that you can find it next year. I personally like to store all hats and mittens together - both adult and kids. Some people may prefer to have a separate bag for each family member. Maybe you only need all the ski gear once a season but hats and gloves are a winter everyday item. It would make most sense to store these items separately. Think ahead.

Step 4: Stuff

Gather items to store in the right size bag and start stuffing. Most bags have a “don’t fill beyond this line” mark on them. You don’t want to over stuff them. If you’re like me, you will need multiple bags.

Step 5: Label

Write down what is in the bag. I use the *back side of a post it note and stick it to the inside of the bag, near where the vacuum hole is.

(*the sticky part of the post it will adhere to the inside of the bag)

Step 5: Seal

Seal the vacuum bag closed. It’s like a big ziploc bag. You want to make sure you seal it completely (very, very important so air won’t seep back in).

Step 6: Vacuum

Attach your vacuum hose to the circle on the outside of the bag and turn the vacuum on. You may have to adjust the bag as you go in order to suction out all the air.

Optional: put a lavender sash or dryer sheet in the bag before sealing, for an extra touch of freshness.

Reasons I LOVE space saver bags:

  • No moths, mold, mildew

  • stay clean and ready to use next season

  • compact: reduce the amount of space needed to store bulky belongings.

  • inexpensive space saving solution

This goofy video (taken with the help of my 8 year old who was home sick) shows me putting 7 down/puffer coats (adults and kid sizes) and 6 ski pants (adult and kid sizes) into one space bag. It compressed down to a neat package that’s about 24” W x 34” H x 7’ D. I can stack multiple bags in a limited amount of space.


Outflux. Noun. 1 the act of flowing out; outflow (opposed to influx).

We all have methods of bringing #stuff into our homes (think: shopping, hand me downs, inheriting, curbside drive by pick ups...). It is critical to balance these efforts with equal amounts of purging, recycling, throwing out, donating. I just took 4 bags to Goodwill. My advice, keep a donation bag set aside ready to be filled with no longer needed items, once filled drop off at Goodwill or other charity, then repeat.